The job market is actively seeking programmers, be it in small startups or large corporations. Enroll in our course and acquire the skills to craft dynamic websites and engaging web applications.

A new career awaits you

This course is for You if:

You live in EU/Sweden

You want a career in tech

You are starting or re-starting your career in tech

You want to learn full-time in a structured environment

We are only getting started

Admission process

We make it easy to join US

y overall experience with SITA.dev was extremely positive. I learned so much in my internship from how it is to work day-to-day within the tech industry, as well as prepare me for my current position that I have now.


Introduction to Programming and Web Technologies

Advanced JavaScript

Front-End Development

Node.js Basics

Back-End Development

Building a MERN Application

Full-Stack Development

Performance Optimization

Advanced Topics and Best Practices

Practical Exercises

Practical Sections and Real-Time Projects

Version Control with Git

Project Management and Workflow

Debugging Techniques

Debugging and Monitoring

Database Scaling

Maintenance and Scaling


Assessments and Certifications

Let’s Talk - Your Tech Journey Begins Here

Ready to transform your career? Reach out to SITA today and start a conversation that could change your life. Let’s build tech success stories together

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